3-5 players

2-3 hours

Ages 12+

A Card Game About Beautiful Heroes with Tragic Backstories

Secret Prince is a fun and accessible storytelling card game about building the most melodramatically tragic backstory for your fantasy character, a gorgeous and brooding hero who is secretly a royal heir on the run.

What tragic events led to your hero taking on the life of an adventurer? You'll find out as you and up to four friends journey through a fantasy land created by you, gather magical items, and build a unique backstory for your character.

Whoever has the most tragic backstory at the end of the game will take their rightful place on their throne. Until then, keep your secrets at all costs...

You can download a free beta version of the game to print and play from our itch.io store.


Fantasy adventure

Comedic melodrama

Cooperate with friends

Only one person wins

Roll to find out what happens

No GM or preparation required

Tell a story together

Our plan is to bring Secret Prince to Kickstarter.

Follow us on Twitter for updates, and subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when the Kickstarter campaign launches. We will only email you with information about our Kickstarter, and product updates about Secret Prince and our other games. You are free to unsubcribe at any time.

How To Play

Choose your hero from one of six classes, give them a name, and tell your friends a bit about them. Create a fantasy world together, and begin your adventure.

Draw two story cards, and choose one of them to resolve.

Roll dice to see if you overcome the challenge in the story with a combination of might, wits, and charm.

Strengthen your hero with magical items, or build a tragic backstory to earn points.

Whoever has the most tragic backstory at the end of the game wins, and ascends to their rightful throne.

We love collaborative storytelling

We love getting a group of friends together and crafting a story as a team. We love the drama, the fun, and the rich characters that emerge when people work together to make something they enjoy.

We created Secret Prince to be an accessible, pick-up-and-play entry point to the world of tabletop roleplaying and storytelling games. And we want games like Secret Prince to be fun, invitational, and safe spaces for everyone to tell stories together in.

Our team is

Elise's silhouette

Elise Andrews

Co-Creator, Graphic Designer

Elise is a graphic designer and artist with a love for games and good stories. She loves character-driven narratives, and consistently ditches the A-plot to befriend an NPC. She may not finish the hero's journey, but will always complete the swap quest.

Follow her on Instagram at @elisemahalia

Mitchell's silhouette

Mitchell Salmon

Co-Creator, Writer

Mitchell loves messing with systems that tell stories. He is passionate about tabletop roleplaying games, comics, movies, and video games. His writing has appeared in Aurealis magazine, and the Fragged Aeternum Greyburgh Market and Fragged Kingdom Arcane Bay RPG setting books.

Follow him on Twitter at @mqsalmon

Claire's silhouette

Claire Egan

Project Manager

Claire is good at organising everything, including ideas, people, and projects. If you want something done right, get Claire involved. She is responsible for managing distribution and fulfillment for our Secret Prince Kickstarter.

Follow her on Twitter at @clairejegan

You can contact us at secretprincegame@gmail.com.